welcome to my website
I'm a writer, and I write about all sorts of things: travel, memoir, short stories, fictional revelations.
“These are my gifts, my offerings: words. Once I write a story, it is no longer mine. It belongs to whoever reads it. It belongs to you.”
This isn't just a website, it is my home, made of words and images. It is a literary destination of multiple narratives: travelogues, essays, interviews, fiction long form stories, and tastes of the literary life.
I want to take you where I go, have you touch what I've touched, see what I've seen. I often interweave my own memoirs and vulnerability into the stories I write. I also love taking photographs, on journeys and at home, and I mix these in with my stories. Thrown in here and there are bits and pieces of whatever I'm finding inspiring at the moment, as well as interviews with writers I admire, and stories by readers about the good they have found at home and abroad.
This is a site I care deeply about and spend time nurturing and creating, just for you.